Janet Hyun is on Youtube!
Enjoy Janet's stories and testimony about her Prophetic Art Journey.
#54 Let's Soar Together! Breakthrough and Soar Beyond the Problems in Life
This video has a message, "Let's soar together!" through an eagle painting for you. The Lord is telling us who have been worn out and tired after Covid19, "Soar! Take a risk and fly high!" I am sending you an invitation. "Let's soar together!"
#27 I receive messages from the Lord through dreams - The meaning of 1212 and Spiritual Warfare Dreams
The interpretation of dream 1212 - The dream is the spiritual antenna that connects us to heaven. Our Lord keeps sending us His messages through dreams. Your dreams are spiritual signs. We can boldly come against the nightmares and the attacks from the darkness.
#50 How I applied the 10,000 hour rule to myself - When my dream meets God's anointing
We are familiar with the 10,000 hour rule, yet only few people achieve it. This video is about the 10,000 hour rule from my perspective and experiences. I made it from my personal view, but I'm sending this to those who go out into the world with passions for the kingdom of God.